Puppy Services
Do You Have A Puppy ?
Got a puppy? We can help . Our in house 8 week program includes daycare and training on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays . This all inclusive program provides your new puppy with socialization, exercise, and training for one price of $100 per week. Or, if you have an adult dog with issues, we can assist you in identifying the problem, and what you can do to fix it .
We start with a safety consultation. Set up an appointment and we’ll reserve that time for you, your dog, and any questions you might have. Even puppy parents are required to pay us a visit before enrolling your pup in classes. We are not the right fit for everyone, and reserve our services for the clients that are motivated to follow our program.
Start where you are/ realistic expectations of your dog
In your home
On a leash
Free roaming
Keeping them safe
From people
From toys
From vets
From disease
What to feed my dog and why
Raw vs. kibble
Frozen raw/ dehydrated diets
Essential fats
Core vaccinations and veterinary care.
What are core vaccinations
Titers for Distemper/ Adenovirus/ Rabies
Inflammatory reactions/adverse reactions
Ivermectin (heartworm) pesticides
Natural flea and tick control
Fipronil (flea and tick medication)
Emergencies/ Having a plan
The SNAP test
Lyme disease/ what you should know
What you should know before spay/neuter
Cost of care/ how to save a few $
Why it matters
Bad behavior
Crate anxiety
Rules, boundaries and limitations
What to do when your dog is a brat
Are you contributing to your dogs bad behavior?
Obnoxious dog behavior
How not to get sued
Exercise, discipline and affection
How too much affection can hurt your dog
Excited behavior and calm behavior
When your dog wrecks your home
Realistic exercise expectations for everyone
Dog Law in Maine
Rabies vaccination and the law
Registering your dog with the town using titers
How to get your own titer without your vet
Immunity levels from Kansas State and why it matters